Getting Started

This guide will get you up and running with Spokestack for Android, and you’ll be hearing and responding to your users in no time.

One caveat before we start, though: This is not a collection of best practices. We’re going to be trading thoughtful organization for convenience here, so when we say something like “put this in your main activity”, just know that you might not want to leave it there long-term. OK, now that that’s out of the way, let’s jump in.

To follow along with these snippets in the context of a full project, download our Android skeleton app. Its UI doesn’t offer much to look at, but it might be easier than copying and pasting code snippets from this guide as we list them.

You’ll also need API credentials to use some Spokestack services. Click here to create your free account; API keys can be found in the API credentials section.



The minimum Android SDK version listed in Spokestack’s manifest is 8 because that’s all you should need to run wake word detection and speech recognition. To use other features, it’s best to target at least API level 21.

If you include ExoPlayer for TTS playback (see below), you might have trouble running on versions of Android older than API level 24. If you run into this problem, try adding the following line to your file:



First, you’ll need to declare a dependency on the Spokestack library along with optional dependencies for the components/modules you want to use. Add the following to your app’s build.gradle (dependency versions here may be somewhat out of date; check for the latest ones, though note that newer versions do have the potential to break compatibility with Spokestack):

dependencies {
  // ...

  implementation 'io.spokestack:spokestack-android:11.5.2'

  // for TensorFlow Lite-powered wake word detection and/or NLU, add this one too
  implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:2.6.0'

  // for automatic playback of TTS audio
  implementation ''
  implementation ''

  // if you plan to use Google ASR, include these
  implementation ''
  implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-okhttp:1.28.0'

  // if you plan to use Azure Speech Service, include these
  // - note that you'll also need to add the following to your top-level
  //   build.gradle's `repositories` block:
  // maven { url '' }
  implementation ''


To enable voice control, your app needs three things:

  1. the proper system permissions
  2. an instance of Spokestack
  3. a place to receive Spokestack events

1. Permissions

To accept voice input, you need at least the RECORD_AUDIO permission, and to perform speech recognition and TTS, you’ll need to network access. These permissions are added automatically by the manifest included with the Spokestack library as of version 5.0.0, so you shouldn’t need to add them explicitly.

Starting with Android 6.0, however, the RECORD_AUDIO permission requires you to request it from the user at runtime. Please see the Android developer documentation for more information on how to do this. You’ll also have to deal with the user potentially denying these permissions (or granting them at first and removing them later), but that’s outside the scope of this guide.

Note that sending audio over the network can use a considerable amount of data, so you may also want to look into WiFi-related permissions and allow the user to disable voice control when using cellular data.

Also note that the Android emulator cannot record audio. You’ll need to test the voice input parts of your app on a real device.

2. Spokestack

With the proper permissions in place, it’s time to decide where you’d like to receive and process speech input. In a single-activity app, the easiest place for this is going to be your main activity. import io.spokestack.spokestack.Spokestack at the top of the file, and add a Spokestack member:

private lateinit var spokestack: Spokestack

You’ll probably want to build the pipeline when the activity is created. Remember that you’ll need to have the RECORD_AUDIO permission for this, so make sure you check that permission before trying to start Spokestack.

spokestack = Spokestack.Builder()
  .setProperty("wake-detect-path", "$cacheDir/detect.tflite")
  .setProperty("wake-encode-path", "$cacheDir/encode.tflite")
  .setProperty("wake-filter-path", "$cacheDir/filter.tflite")
  .setProperty("nlu-model-path", "$cacheDir/nlu.tflite")
  .setProperty("nlu-metadata-path", "$cacheDir/metadata.json")
  .setProperty("wordpiece-vocab-path", "$cacheDir/vocab.txt")
  .setProperty("trace-level", EventTracer.Level.DEBUG.value())
  .setProperty("spokestack-id", "your-client-id")
  .setProperty("spokestack-secret", "your-secret-key")
  // `applicationContext` is available inside all `Activity`s
  // see the next section; `listener` here inherits from `SpokestackAdapter`

This is a complete example and uses wake word activation, on-device ASR, NLU, and TTS, hence the properties that point Spokestack to TensorFlow Lite model files. We’ve assumed that these files are stored in the app’s cache directory for convenience, but they can be kept wherever it makes sense for your app.

See the Spokestack guide for more information on downloading wake word and NLU models.

Once a Spokestack instance has been built, it begins processing audio when start() is called. If the wake word component is enabled (as it is by default), this processing is entirely on-device until the wake word is recognized. After wake word recognition, Spokestack begins “actively” listening, sending audio through ASR for transcription. Depending on which ASR provider is used, this may also be done on-device (the default Android ASR currently processes on-device).

There are many options for configuring Spokestack beyond what we’ve described here. For example, to spin up a quick demo that just uses ASR and TTS, you can avoid downloading/storing neural models and set up Spokestack like this:

spokestack = Spokestack.Builder()
  .setProperty("trace-level", EventTracer.Level.DEBUG.value())
  .setProperty("spokestack-id", "your-client-id")
  .setProperty("spokestack-secret", "your-secret-key")

Using this configuration, you’ll still need to call spokestack.start() to begin processing, but ASR won’t start until you call spokestack.activate().

That’s still just scratching the surface, though. Here are some useful links for more details on configuration:

Note the addListener(listener) line. This is necessary to receive events from Spokestack, which is our next step.

3. SpokestackAdapter

Once we’ve recognized user speech, we want to be able to do something with it. Spokestack’s audio processing happens continuously while the pipeline is running, and it happens on a background thread to avoid bogging down the UI. Because of this, Spokestack implements the Observer pattern, dispatching relevant events to registered listeners. A listener must extend the SpokestackAdapter class and can override any or all of its methods, depending what events it’s interested in.

Below is a sample implementation for the speechEvent function, called when Spokestack’s speech pipeline changes state or emits a message (including ASR transcripts); see the skeleton project mentioned above for examples of the other functions.

override fun speechEvent(event: SpeechContext.Event, context: SpeechContext) {
  when (event) {
    SpeechContext.Event.ACTIVATE -> println("Pipeline activated")
    SpeechContext.Event.DEACTIVATE -> println("Pipeline deactivated")
    SpeechContext.Event.RECOGNIZE -> println("ASR result: ${context.transcript}")
    SpeechContext.Event.TIMEOUT -> println("ASR timeout")
    SpeechContext.Event.ERROR -> println("ASR Error: ${context.error}")
    SpeechContext.Event.TRACE -> println("TRACE: ${context.message}")
    SpeechContext.Event.PARTIAL_RECOGNIZE -> println("partial ASR result: ${context.transcript}")

We’ve listed all possible speech events here; see the documentation for a description of what each event means. Briefly, though, ACTIVATE and DEACTIVATE reflect the state of ASR—if you want to show any special UI components while your app is actively listening to the user, these events would be useful for showing/hiding them.

From text to meaning

If the event is PARTIAL_RECOGNIZE or RECOGNIZE, context.transcript will give you the raw text of what the user just said. Translating that raw text into an action in your app is the job of an NLU, or natural language understanding, component. Spokestack offers custom NLU models that run entirely on-device, removing a network request from the equation. There are also a variety of cloud NLU providers: Dialogflow, LUIS, or, to name a few. If your app is simple enough, you can even make your own with string matching or regular expressions (see the cookbook for an example).

If you supply the Spokestack builder with NLU files, each speech transcript will automatically be classified using Spokestack’s NLU. The results of the classification are dispatched via the SpokestackAdapter.nluResult() method:

override fun nluResult(result: NLUResult) {
  Log.i(logTag, "NLU classification: ${result.intent}")
  Log.i(logTag, "\tintent: ${result.intent} (confidence: ${result.confidence})")
  Log.i(logTag, "\tslots:")
  result.slots.forEach { slot ->
    Log.i(logTag, "\t\t${slot.key}: ${slot.value.value}")

private fun respond(utterance: String) {
  // A (too-) simple response generator that parrots back what the user just said. With
  // the default TTS setup, this response will be automatically played when the audio is
  // available.
  val request = SynthesisRequest.Builder("Why do you feel that $utterance?").build()

Some useful links for configuring Spokestack’s NLU:

Talking back to your users

If you want full hands- and eyes-free interaction, you’ll want to deliver responses via voice as well. This requires a text-to-speech (TTS) component, and Spokestack has one of these too!

In fact, we just used it in the previous section; it’s as simple as building a SynthesisRequest and calling synthesize. For more details about controlling pronunciation, see the TTS concept guide.

By default, Spokestack handles playback of the synthesized audio; see the configuration guide for instructions on handling it yourself. Spoiler alert—it involves the ttsEvent() listener method:

override fun ttsEvent(event: TTSEvent) {
  when (event.type) {
    TTSEvent.Type.ERROR -> println(event.error)
    // If you're managing playback yourself, this is where you'd receive the URL to your
    // synthesized audio
    TTSEvent.Type.AUDIO_AVAILABLE -> println("Audio received: ${event.ttsResponse.audioUri}")
    // If you want to restart ASR in anticipation of an immediate user response (for
    // example, as a response to a question from the app), you'd call pipeline?.activate()
    // here
    TTSEvent.Type.PLAYBACK_COMPLETE -> println("TTS playback complete")
    // If you want your UI to respond to playing audio
    TTSEvent.Type.PLAYBACK_STARTED -> println("TTS playback started")
    TTSEvent.Type.PLAYBACK_STOPPED -> println("TTS playback stopped")


That’s all there is to it! Your app is now configured to accept and respond to voice commands. Obviously there’s more we could tell you, and you can have much more control over the speech recognition process (including, but not limited to, configuring the pipeline’s sensitivity and adding your own custom wake word models). If you’re interested in these advanced topics, check out our other guides. We’ll be adding to them as Spokestack grows.

Thanks for reading!

Related Resources

Want to dive deeper into the world of Android voice integration? We've got a lot to say on the subject: