
Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

What's a Keyword Model, and Why Would I Use One?
So you've read the description of a keyword recognition model , but you still have questions. Not a problem! Keyword recognition (sometimes called "keyword…

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

A Swear Jar in 100 Lines of Python
In this tutorial, we're going to use Spokestack's AutoML training tool to create a keyword recognizer model and use it, along with the spokestack-python…

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

How to Change Alexa's Voice
At Spokestack, one of our core goals is to make it possible for every mobile app or voice skill to have its own unique audible voice. Amazon and Google make it…

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

Why Haven't We Seen a Killer Voice App?
In the interest of fostering discussion about the state of voice tech, we're thinking of starting a new regular feature. It's tentatively titled "Ask the Cranky…

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

Converting a TensorFlow Model to TensorFlow.js in Python
At Spokestack, we use several different types of TensorFlow model, and we have various deployment targets for them: big models for the cloud, small TensorFlow…