2 articles tagged with "ASR"

Josh Ziegler

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

We'll show you where keyword recognition models fit in with wake words, ASR, and NLU; and we'll help you decide if they're right for your app.

What's a Keyword Model, and Why Would I Use One?

So you've read the description of a keyword recognition model , but you still have questions. Not a problem! Keyword recognition (sometimes called "keyword…

Josh Ziegler

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

How to keep your voice presence from giving away presents

What If You're the Product?

"If you're not the customer, you're the product." By now, tech-savvy consumers are familiar with this warning. It's almost a trope. Usually it's a caveat about…

Become a Spokestack Maker and #OwnYourVoice

Access our hosted services for model import, natural language processing, text-to-speech, and wakeword.