6 articles tagged with "Apps"

Will Rice, ML Engineer

Learn to Use Custom Wake Word and Text-to-Speech on a Raspberry Pi
One of the primary motivations for working on spokestack-python was to allow our models to run on embedded devices like Raspberry Pi . We are excited to show…

Will Rice, ML Engineer

Porting the Alexa Minecraft Skill to Python Using Spokestack
This is a tutorial on how to port a simple Minecraft recipe skill to Spokestack using the spokestack-python library. It is similar to our mobile tutorial…

Mike Tatum, Advisor

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

Implementing Reprompts with Spokestack
Reprompts are a convenient feature provided by most smart speaker platforms. In plain English, a reprompt is a special message given to the user under the…

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

Porting the Alexa Minecraft Skill to Android Using Spokestack
This post is part of the Porting a Smart Speaker Voice App to Mobile series, which discusses how to turn an Alexa skill into a mobile app using Spokestack as…