6 articles tagged with "Principles"

Mike Tatum, Advisor

Why We Built Spokestack Tray
We started Spokestack to give developers the freedom to build the conversational experiences they wanted to build without limitations. So we created iOS…

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

What If You're the Product?
"If you're not the customer, you're the product." By now, tech-savvy consumers are familiar with this warning. It's almost a trope. Usually it's a caveat about…

Mike Tatum, Advisor

Wake Words for Mobile Apps
Amazon added the "Hey Alexa" wake word to its mobile app. This is going to change user perceptions of mobile voice apps. One of the main hurdles I've…

Noel Weichbrodt, President

Today, we export to independence!
With apologies to President Bill Pullman, let's declare our independence from smart speakers. The voice interface, and the skills you've developed using it, are…

Mike Tatum, Advisor

Keeping Perspective
I watch this presentation by Wilson Minor at the 2011 Build Conference at least once a year. Last week, I rewatched it trying to refocus my mind from pandemic…