
8 articles tagged with "Voice Assistant"

Mike Tatum

Mike Tatum, Advisor

Today we announce Spokestack Tray: a UI component for iOS, Android, and React Native making it easy to add Spokestack to any mobile app. Create your own Independent Voice Assistant!

Introducing Spokestack Tray – a Turnkey Voice Interface for Mobile Apps

Today we are excited to announce our latest developer feature: Spokestack Tray, a mobile library that lets developers easily add a voice interface to their…

Josh Ziegler

Josh Ziegler, Principal Computational Linguist

How to keep your voice presence from giving away presents

What If You're the Product?

"If you're not the customer, you're the product." By now, tech-savvy consumers are familiar with this warning. It's almost a trope. Usually it's a caveat about…

Mike Tatum

Mike Tatum, Advisor

Amazon added the "Hey Alexa" wake word to its mobile app. This is going to change user perceptions of mobile voice apps. Start building your Independent Voice Assistant with Spokestack.

Wake Words for Mobile Apps

Amazon added the "Hey Alexa" wake word to its mobile app. This is going to change user perceptions of mobile voice apps. One of the main hurdles I've…

Noel Weichbrodt

Noel Weichbrodt, President

With Spokestack, your voice app can declare independence!

Today, we export to independence!

With apologies to President Bill Pullman, let's declare our independence from smart speakers. The voice interface, and the skills you've developed using it, are…

Daniel Tyreus

Daniel Tyreus, Spokestack Certified Developer

Spokestack introduces a new way to build and access voice apps independent from major virtual assistant platforms. Take your smart speaker app mobile.

Porting a Smart Speaker Voice App - Part 3

Import an Alexa or Dialogflow Interaction Model In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series we covered what smart speaker voice apps are and how you can port them…


Become a Spokestack Maker and #OwnYourVoice

Access our hosted services for model import, natural language processing, text-to-speech, and wakeword.