
Will Rice

Will Rice, ML Engineer

Learn to Use Custom Wake Word and Text-to-Speech on a Raspberry Pi
One of the primary motivations for working on spokestack-python was to allow our models to run on embedded devices like Raspberry Pi . We are excited to show…

Will Rice, ML Engineer

Question Answering With Spokestack and Transformers
The ability to find information is a fundamental feature of the internet. Often, the information sought is the answer to a question. When it comes to answering…

Will Rice, ML Engineer

Porting the Alexa Minecraft Skill to Python Using Spokestack
This is a tutorial on how to port a simple Minecraft recipe skill to Spokestack using the spokestack-python library. It is similar to our mobile tutorial…
Become a Spokestack Maker and #OwnYourVoice
Access our hosted services for model import, natural language processing, text-to-speech, and wakeword.